Thursday, April 18, 2013

when in lille

One week after a weekend trip to France and my body is just feeling back to normal.  We tell ourselves during trips that ALL THAT WALKING totally cancels out our French pastry, dessert, and coffee consumption. 

We were so lucky to have Marco's mother (master of languages / French teacher) along so that Marco, his father, and I could keep our sorry broken French phrases to a minimum.  

We filled our days with shopping (French pharmacy!), cafes, and beer markets.  While Marco and I enjoy a good English ale, beer selection can lack in the UK - especially in small villages - so we hit up the markets and grocery stores for Belgian beer to throw in the boot to take back to the UK with us.

Some photos from our few days in Lille, stating with our room with a view at Ibis!

Also, our first trip to Lille last November, when we first moved to England.


  1. I like your jacket? Whats a boot? You's American, shut up

  2. That jacket is a Lauren hand-me-down and it is getting GREAT use. Thanks Gildner! Also, no Madonna accent here - swear - but a few words and phrases have crept into my vocabulary like Lindsey and Sarah’s favorite, “Are you all right?” as opposed to “How are you?” It has cemented in my brain from having to say it at work.

  3. Cute picture of Marco's parents in lovvvvvve. You look so Euro in that last pic!
